Monday, November 18, 2019

Chaucer at the Court of Edward III by Ford Madox Brown

Born in Calais, Ford Madox Brown (1821-1893) studied in Belgium and was influenced by the German Nazarene painters in Rome before his first liaison with Pre-Raphaelitism.

His father was Ford Brown, a retired purser in the navy; his mother, Caroline Madox, of an old Kentish family. Brown was the grandson of the medical theorist John Brown, founder of the Brunonian system of medicine.

Brown’s first works combining a medieval subject with a neo-medieval style were Wycliffe Reading his Translation of the Bible and Chaucer reading the Legend of Custance to Edward III.

Chaucer at the court of Edward III was painting by Ford Madox Brown which was done around 1850.
Chaucer at the Court of Edward III by Ford Madox Brown

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