Wednesday, December 24, 2014

The Three Dancers by Pablo Picasso

Picasso painted The Three Dancers in 1925. The work did not abandon realism, but he used it ‘to rip the human body apart, dislocating arms, noses, breasts, mouths.

The painting shocked the critics and it does not appear to be the result of carful study and analysis that had provided the foundation of his cubist experiments.
The Three Dancers

For the first time Picasso agreed to participate in the group exhibition, the first Surrealist exhibition at the Gallerie Pierre.

Along with its mixture of different stylistic voices Three Dancers contains a complex layering of historical and symbolic references.

The Three Dancers eloquently dramatize the continuity and fracture between traditional art and the new spirit that informed culture in the early twentieth century.
The Three Dancers by Pablo Picasso

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